Tuesday May 21, 2024

Ep 173 // Are You OVERdoing It With Your Email Lead Magnet? 3 Tips for a Simple and Effective Email Lead Magnet

In online marketing- or really any marketing these days- building, nurturing, and getting sales from your email list is of TOP priority. With the ever changing algorithms of social media, email is THE ONE WAY you have a direct line to your people. But HOW do you build and email list? Well, the first step is to come up with a great lead magnet, a freebie, a REASON for your ideal client to hand over their email list. 


When it comes to coming up with ideas for a great email lead magnet, THIS episode will give you a solid foundation- and offer a refreshing alternative to some very popular advice. 


Listen in for 3 simple tips for coming up with a great email lead magnet and 2 bonus tips on how to optimize your lead magnet for better SEO.

Or read the blog!

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