Simple SEO and Marketing, Business Growth, Organic Marketing, Copywriting, Online Business, Blogging, Content Creation

Hey there fellow entrepreneur! Welcome to Simple SEO & Marketing. Do you want to grow your business with sustainable traffic sources? Have you heard about the power of Search Engine Optimization- and want to take advantage of it to get more traffic- more eyeballs- on your business? But when it comes down to it- does SEO feel complicated and hard to implement? Are you tired of wondering what in the heck to do with your website to get more traffic to that bad boy and more leads knocking on your door? What if I could tell you that there was a simple, proven system for using SEO, blogging, and copywriting to get leads from your website—and not just any leads—high-converting leads? Hey! I’m Faith Hanan. Wife, mama, copywriter, SEO strategist and Barrel racer. And For the last 8 years I’ve been figuring out what works and what doesn’t work in the world of online marketing to get organic traffic, and now- I’m here to share ALL the things I’m learning in the trenches of SEO, copywriting, and content marketing. How does 300%, 500%, or even 12,000 % MORE traffic in a YEAR sound? What could your business do with THAT kind of traffic increase? How many more people could you help? So listen in and prepare to take notes! I’m about to drop simple, actionable SEO, Marketing, and copywriting tips -all with a heavy dose of Jesus-loving encouragement. Let’s get you more traffic and more leads so you can help MORE people with your God-given gifts. Reach out to or check out for you SEO, Marketing and Copywriting needs.

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Saturday May 28, 2022

Hey friend, 
Have you ever been frustrated at the LACK of Christian-based business growth strategies out there? Me TOO! Well, be frustrated no more! Here are 8 Biblical Principles that, when put into practice, will grow your business and your life!
Spiritual growth, personal development, knowing God more, and integrating your faith into every aspect of your life. Yep, we're covering that today!
So grab a pen and paper (or not, if you're driving) and listen in for practical and easy to apply principles from God's Word that will help your small business grow!
Links Mentioned!
Schedule a Content Strategy or Coaching Session Here
Pastor Robert Morris- The Blessed Life Series
Be blessed y'all! Talk soon!

Friday May 27, 2022

Do you have a website that is *actually* working for you? Is your website clear? Is it easy to navigate? Do people easily understand what you do? If you even hesitated to answer a resounding "YES!" to any of these questions, then you definitely need to listen to this podcast. 
You'll learn 5 EASY Tips to Improve your Website Copy- without paying thousands of dollars for a good website copywriter (spoiler alert, I AM a copywriter, so I know these things, lol). 
So listen in, take notes, and then log into your own website and make these easy improvements.
Call Recorder app mentioned:
Rev Call Recorder
Contact me and find out about all the things content, coaching, and copywriting at
Schedule a Content Strategy or Coaching Session Here
Snag these freebies and start improving your content today
Talk to you soon and God bless!
Bye pals!

Sunday May 22, 2022

Do you WANT to serve God with all your heart and truly fulfill your calling... but you don't feel called to "full-time ministry?" Or maybe you DO feel called to traditional ministry AND business but you're frustrated with the lack of Biblically-based business training out there? Well, pal, then this is for you. In this quick introduction to Jumpstart Your Dreams with Faith Hanan, you'll hear a bit of my journey and learn the heart behind this podcast. 
Count on hearing mindset and marketing tips for Christian entrepreneurs as well as inspirational interviews from Christians using their God-given gifts in the marketplace!
Connect with me more over on Instagram 
And find out about all the things: Coaching, Courses, and Copywriting at my website
Schedule a Content Strategy or Coaching Session Here
Talk to you soon, and God bless!

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