Simple SEO and Marketing, Business Growth, Organic Marketing, Keywords, Online Business, Blogging, Content Creation

Hey pal, I see you over there googling “how to get more website traffic”, “How do I find the right keywords” and “SEO for dummies.” I know you’ve been busting your hiney to build this online business. You’ve got a SWEET offer, but you’re just not seeing the growth and the (let’s be honest) SALES that you KNOW you could. And let’s get real here, the traffic that you ARE getting, sure isn’t coming in organically from people searching for what you sell. Can I shoot you straight? You are leaving SOOOO much money on the table by not strategically using keywords, SEO strategies, and blogging to grow your online business. I know that in the past, all of this has seemed, well, too complicated to learn or too time-consuming to implement. But pal, I’m here to change that. I’ve learned some SWEET secrets to having a GREAT SEO and Keyword strategy for organic marketing, and I’m here to spill ALL the tea and FINALLY get you that business growth and organic traffic that YOU’VE been dreaming about. Welcome to Simple SEO and Marketing, where you’ll learn all about SEO, Keywords, & Blogging so that you can get MORE organic traffic and GROW your business ALL with a God-honoring perspective! Grab your pen and paper cuz I’m skipping the fluff and getting straight to the actionable tips to help YOU grow your business with organic marketing!

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4 days ago

Are you struggling to stay encouraged and passionate in your business? Or maybe you’re not there right now, but you have been at one point and you’re ALL too familiar with the “maybe I should just quit my business and go get a regular job.”
Regardless of where you're at on the discouraged to encouraged scale, listen into this episode for 3 scriptures and principles to help you overcome discouragment in business-regardless of the season. 
Scriptural affirmations download
Podcast on listening prayer from the Benham Brothers
Learn exactly how I grow my client’s traffic by up to 12,000% in a year- and implement these proven strategies in your business: The Organic Marketing Framework
Email with any questions or prayer requests
Ready for a Christian Business Coach to help you honor God while you grow your business? Book a chat here

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Son of a motherless goat.  The time I was trapped on top of a mountain in a lightning storm. When I got bucked off in the middle of a cornfield. Operation baby donkey rescue. What do these things have in common? They are all stories that I could use to write great content, ultimately ranking higher on Google and connecting with my audience more. 
But HOW do you come up with good stories, and stories that you can utilize in your content without boring people to tears or getting so sidetracked that they miss the point?
In today's podcast, I'm dropping my 5 best tips for coming up with great (and true) stories for better content and more connection with your people- EVEN IF you're not a naturally great storyteller. 
Learn how to rank higher on Google and generate consistent leads with SEO inside  The Organic Marketing Framework 
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call
SEO Cheat Sheet
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
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Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

News flash: In today's content marketing world, it can be a DOG FIGHT to stand out, especially now that AI has entered the chat and content creators are churning out content at record speeds (high quality or not). Listen in and learn my TOP tip for making YOUR content stand out (and ultimately lead to better sales) regardless of any Google updates.
Want to create great, meaningful content AND still rank on search engines? I gotchu, pard-The Organic Marketing Framework 
SEO Cheat Sheet
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
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Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Fun fact- I can sometimes be very blunt... sometimes too blunt. And my very NOT blunt brother will often come in and help me soften the blow, lol. So when I say that I have had to learn some of these lessons my own self, I mean it. 
The problem I see with some website copy is that very NICE well-meaning business owners can accidentally sound like jerks when they make one of these 3 mistakes. 
Listen in! Number 1 even has a fun tech tip to go along with it. 
Learn how to write great copy that’s SEO friendly! The Organic Marketing Framework 
SEO Cheat Sheet
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
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Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

Listen, when I get to hop on a new client’s website and do a quick website audit, I LOVEE it. Why? Well, primarily because I want to help people, but also, I’ve learned to quickly identify a few make-it-or-break-it factors to great website copy and SEO. If you’ve ever wondered what a professional copywriter and SEO would look at and analyze on your website, here are 5 things that I look at when conducting a website audit for new or potential clients. Feel free to use this checklist for your own website too!
Also, we have 1 opening for a full website copy client and 2 for VIP day clients. So if you are ready to have your website copy go from "meh" to "OMGOSH that sounds SO good, AND just like me" while making those leads sprint into your virtual door, then book a discovery call to see if we're a good fit to serve you. 
Book your discovery call here!
Learn how to fix your own SEO strategy with step by step tutorials in The Organic Marketing Framework 
SEO Cheat Sheet
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
Join the Facebook Group
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Write better website copy, have a more consistent brand voice, increase sales, and have better SEO, all with these 5 tips.
I LOVE doing website copy for clients- for SO many reasons. Partly cuz I’m a wordsmith by nature- but also because sometimes people just don’t know how amazing they are/ haven’t been able to communicate it via words clearly, and I get to help them with that!
With some repeat VIP day clients coming up, I have website copy (extra) on the brain and wanted to share a few non-negotiable elements of great website copy to have on file for your brand. 
Get YOUR High Converting Website Copy AND SEO DONE in a DAY-  Book your discovery call here!
 Read the Blog!
DIY your website copy and SEO using the exact method we use to get clients up to 12,000% more traffic in a year with The Organic Marketing Framework 
Get the best SEO terms cheat sheet on the internet
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day!
Join the Facebook Group
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

If you’ve been around here for more than 2.5 seconds, then you KNOW that I am a fan of doing things efficiently AND well. Like my Papa always said, “Anything worth doing is worth doing right,” BUT that doesn’t mean you have to let perfectionism creep in. What I want you to get out of this episode is this: It IS possible to create a HIGH high-quality blog in 2 hrs per less that is both SEO friendly AND generates leads for your business.
Listen in for the 3 stages, each with 3 steps- to create a high-quality, lead-generating, SEO-friendly blog in 2 hrs or less!
Learn our step by step method for generating up to 12,000% more website traffic with The Organic Marketing Framework 
10 Tips to Write Better Content
Read this episode's the blog!
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
Join the Facebook Group
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Question, do you ever just get tired of researching ALL the tech options out there and just have someone tell you what works and what sucks? Me too. Me too. That is why I’ve put together this list of 10 things that we LOVE in my business. As an SEO consultant and Copywriter, I have a LOT on my plate and not a ton of time each week to get it done. We’ve worked HARD to figure out all the pieces, all the tech, and how to make it all work together well. Listen in for 10 things we use in my business to run a profitable business in 20 hours a week or less. 
Disclaimer- some of these are affiliate links. Some are not.
Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule- affiliate link
See how all of our content workflow goes together to save yourself tons of time while you learn to generate leads the easy way with The Organic Marketing Framework 
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
Join the Facebook Group
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday May 28, 2024

I'm not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And as much as I really do love SEO and all the benefits that it can provide your business (did I tell you about my IDEAL ideal client who found me through a google search?) sometimes it can be time-consuming and feel like a lot of work. So here I have 4 LAZY hacks that WORK for more website traffic!
Build your website traffic sustainably with The Organic Marketing Framework 
Download the Content Strategy Repurposing Cheat Sheet Here
Ready to get your website copy AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
Join the Facebook Group
Go for the exact right keywords and help MORE of your ideal clients find you! Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call

Tuesday May 21, 2024

In online marketing- or really any marketing these days- building, nurturing, and getting sales from your email list is of TOP priority. With the ever changing algorithms of social media, email is THE ONE WAY you have a direct line to your people. But HOW do you build and email list? Well, the first step is to come up with a great lead magnet, a freebie, a REASON for your ideal client to hand over their email list. 
When it comes to coming up with ideas for a great email lead magnet, THIS episode will give you a solid foundation- and offer a refreshing alternative to some very popular advice. 
Listen in for 3 simple tips for coming up with a great email lead magnet and 2 bonus tips on how to optimize your lead magnet for better SEO.
Or read the blog!
Get your personalized high converting web copy  AND your SEO strategy DONE in a day? Snag a spot for a VIP Copy Day! Book your discovery call here!
Join the Facebook Group
Book Your SEO and Keywords Strategy Call


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